Too many Pakistani websites were hacked by Indian Hackers on the Idepedence Day of India(15th august).
Pakistani hackers also defaced some Indian websites on 14th august.Many well-known Indian Hackers defaced more than 2000 pakistani websites including some famous organization and government sites and posted a picture of Indian National Flag with the song "Vande Mataram" on the website and given the message as given below:
"Congratulations, you have got the attention of the Indians. To those who are thinking, who we are, never think it that way, because we are many without any name, the only name and Identity we have is INDIA, and yes we are Indian Hackers, it was not supposed to happen all the sudden this way, but hey who knew? We belong to India, we are one blood. We have one cause. STOP breaching Indian servers, you we bet, the whole Pakistan, Bangladesh, or whosoever breaches Indian Security will have to pay a big time with will be permanent, and irreversible. We will snatch off your Hosting companies and the PKNIC server which will then only manufacture and register Malwared domains. We have a message for Pakistan and Bangladesh Security and Officials who had been victim. We never intended to attack; we were forced by your counterparts, hackers who think that they are the only active session in our domains. We have a clear message, target them and inform them NOT to attack our cyber sectors, doing so will result destruction to your domains as well. We have NO intention to trigger a cyberwar, but we have to if it's NOT done and as well as give them some other Jobs, so that they don't play around country wars. We will however continue our attack, once triggered by your hackers, and won't STOP, until and unless an official message is delivered to us. We don't want negotiation; we want straight facts on grounds. There are your hackers claiming Kashmir, and we don’t understand how come compromising Indian sites fetch you Kashmir? Talk about this to OUR President and PM’s, don’t make the cyber space crap, and we don’t think we are handing out Kashmir to 3rd party people who themselves cannot feed their own country land; you know the facts we are talking about, so better NOT TO start it all over again. Their are no names here, so forget who compromised and which teams compromised your servers, failing to cooperate with us will clearly cause serious problems, for examples, data leakage, Information disclosure, presidential disclosure, email dumps with string straight passwords, and other various serious attacks. We hope so you collaborate. Thanks, the INDIANS, the UNITED KNOWN TIGERS to many within INDIA."
The remarkable thing is that all Indian hackers group and many Individual hackers worked together to protect their cyberspace.
Here you will find all the hacked sites of Pakistan : Click Here
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