Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Google's thinking about facebook and google it self

Google automatic suggestion for our search is very important feature to find any releavent results for our query. It suggests you the best possible reviews for our query. 
Today I just tried to search what google thinks about facebook ( Specially because they have started social networking site like facebook to increase no. of users  and this is obvious that one site will not be happy when users leave their site and go to other site especially when other site is somewhat like not profitable to them). 
I was quite excalimed after seeing result. I have putted screenshot of this so that users can easily know what google thinks about facebook ( #is a stupid idiot, is down etc..!) and google it self( #is god, is your friend etc..!).

What you friends think about this. Express your ideas and comment below.

*Legal notice : This is only a point of brief discussion about search engine suggestion by google and is not blaming google for any search suggestions.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Button compress and release

This is a nice but not new effect in CSS. The main thing to notice in the code is that the output looks like a button but it is written in <a> tag. Using CSS I have provided a background block and color and webkit transition is used to create this type of effect.
on image.

Fade in and Reflect

This CSS effect is pretty complicated than other. Here default image state is at a slightly reduced opacity. When you hover over it, the opacity cranks to full and a flow appears around the edges and a reflection (using webkit) occurs on image..

Bump up

This works best when used with a series of horizontal items/images. Hovering on that images will create a wave type effect.Here margin starts at 15px and reduces 2px on hover which makes your image to jump up.This can also be applied to texts on image.

Stack and Grow

In this I have a lamp effect. and if you are using more than one image , so as you move down the list of images, each image or content slowly expands and then goes back to it's original size. Here I have used a center tag for aligment and hover effect in CSS. Negative/positive margin value change will expand your image from different part of the image.

How to put Facebook Like-box in your blog

Adding 'facebook like-box' is one of the best way to promote your blog. You can easily make a 'facebook like box' for your facebook fan page from following link : developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/

The transition for mouse hover and mouse exit is done using 'jquery'. jquery smoothens the transition to make it cool. Here are some simple steps to implement this dynamic facebook.

Step-1 : First of all you have to add Jquery Javascript plug-in to make your any Jquery run softly.(Ignore this step if your blog is already having Jquery plug-in)

a. Go to template > Edit HTML
b. Copy and Paste below code before </head>.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
c. Save template.

Step-2 : Adding HTML code for your Facebook like-box.

a. Go to Layout tab >> Add a Widget >> Html/Java Script.
b. Once you have added this widget , open it and paste below code in it.

<a href="http://avixittech.blogspot.in/" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="http://safir85.ucoz.com/24work-blogspot/cursor-24work-10.png" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><script type="text/javascript">


$(document).ready(function() {$(".w2bslikebox").hover(function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "0"}, "medium");}, function() {$(this).stop().animate({right: "-250"}, "medium");}, 500);});



<style type="text/css">

.w2bslikebox{background: url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHAHIneKSgFHeP7Un52IbMiGWmDow61ZHBBK3jvpyYpvK_RpJDO9ZtkozxPIbktRyWTF7AiioLcUMsCmmL_Rb62O4sn9d0cM1sBrLOo9W2sTLvsfDf2Yw2FfZn80baEdcLQnIP_zylAtW7/s1600/facebookbadge.png") no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;display: block;float: right;height: 270px;padding: 0 5px 0 46px;width: 245px;z-index: 99999;position:fixed;right:-250px;top:20%;}

.w2bslikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;}

.w2bslikebox span{bottom: 12px;font: 8px "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;position: absolute;right: 6px;text-align: right;z-index: 99999;}

.w2bslikebox span a{color: #808080;text-decoration:none;}

.w2bslikebox span a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}

</style><div class="w2bslikebox" style=""><div><iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/Avixittech&amp;width=245&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;connections=9&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=270" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; height: 270px; width: 245px;background:#fff;"></iframe><span>By <a href="http://avixittech.blogspot.in/2012/05/how-to-put-facebook-like-box-in-blog.html">Blogspot tutorial</a> / <a href="http://avixittech.blogspot.in/2012/05/how-to-put-facebook-like-box-in-blog.html">+Get This!</a></span></div></div>
c. Click on Save.

Note :- Don't forget to change red letters with your facebook fan page id.

And you're done. Open your home page and enjoy your smooth 'facebook like- box'. 

#Comment below if you're having any doubt.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Fade in and Text

For this I have added a image into <div> tag and then float everything so that the text will be next to the image. 
Changing line-height:0px; will cause the text to come from top and <div> tag hides it again when we loose focus on image.
This is very useful when we want special effects for any tutorial.

Unlock any 3G modem

Most of the 3G E-stick/dongle users wants their E-stick/dongle to work with any sim card and they spend much money to unlock their 3G modems. But now there is no need to spend money to unlock 3G modem. Here is a way to unlock your 3G modem.
Just download this software -> Click here to download

Follow these simple steps : 

  1. Extract files from the downloaded file.
  2. open 'dccrap.exe'.
  3. change criteria according to our modem and click on 'Detect Card'.
  4. When modem is detected it will show you whether it is unlocked or not. if it is not unlocked than go to 'Unlocking' tab and click on 'Unlock'
  5. And you're done..Enjoy your unlocked 3G modem..!

*You must enter invalid card according to your 3G modem before unlocking.
#Comment below if you're having any doubt.

How to remove navigation bar in blog

For every new blogger this is very useful information. Navigation bar is a bar that appears on the top of every blog by default. But usually any blogger won't like this. So here is a easy way to remove/hide navigation bar.

Please note : Before making any changes in your blog please make sure that you have saved a current copy of your template.

  • How to download current template copy?

Go to template > Edit HTML > Download Full Template. save it to your Desktop.

  • What you have to do is follow the steps : 

1. Go to Edit HTML in blogger template window.
2.  Find the following code : 
                                                                   #navbar-iframe {
                      height: 30px;

3. To Remove Navigation Bar, Delete this code and paste the following code instead : 
                                                                  #navbar-iframe {
                      height: 0px;

4. To Hide Navigation Bar, Delete the code in step 2, and paste the following code instead : 
                                                                     #navbar-iframe {
                      visibility: hidden;

5. Save Template. That's it. Refresh your home page..chill...!!

How to redirect blogger blog to other sites or blog

Most of the new bloggers wants to redirect their blog to their own domains. Here is the simple way to redirect your blogger blog to other blog or other sites.
To redirect your blog just use <meta> tag in the <header> section follow these steps.

1. In template, go to edit html, search for :  

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

2. Add the following meta code just after above line : 

<meta content="0;url=http://YOUR NEW URL HERE" http-equiv="refresh"/>

3. Save template.

And you're done. Now open your blog and it will redirect you to specific URL.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Shake Button in CSS

This is quite an interesting use of CSS3. Most of the users tells that to shake a button or to put a vibration effect o a button or link can be done by only jquery/jscript. But CSS3 is providing a  broader environment for Dynamic and a very good GUI implementation to use it in your html file or website on image.

Fedora 17 ( Beefly Miracle ) - awesome features

Fedora 17 Alpha was released on 28th February 2012. As you can see in the above image, 'Beefly Miracle' is a code name for Fedora 17. First Fedora 17 was made available for testing with Lice CD images for main or say Standard Edition. Live CD uses GNOME 3 desktop environment. DVD iso file and a bfo image was also released for Default Fedora17.

Developers of Fedora makes several major feature enhancement for every newer editions to make it much good and different than the previous versions.
Here is the list of features which satisfies most of the user's expections. The final stable version is going to be released around the end of this month(i.e may-2012).

nice bonding support for Network Manager

Desktop users will have a facility to configure network interface bonding using NetworkManager. Enterprise(not Desktop) users will have facility to configure IP over infiniband, bridges and also VLANs.

Larger capacity (upto 16 TB..!!) file system Ext4 capability

Well, this is the nicest feature we can say, but how many users will ever need this? Not me- At this time..!!

Better Firewall( Dynamic..!) Configuration

In Fedora 17, all the cofigurations related to firewall will be handled by a daemon called 'firewalld' . This will dynamically apply the changes done by user without restarting the whole firewall.

Multitouch capability

Fedora has implemented all the foundational elements for multitouch to make it work on any multi-touch capable hardware. All you need to do is to get all required applications to run it.

Password strength/quality checker

User will have facility to set the quality or strength of password for user accounts or else. The system generated password will also be there which will be well pronouciable and not any complex combinations of alphanumeric and special characters.

Want to test Fedora17 your self, simply download iso images from below.

#For more info visit official Fedora website : http://fedoraproject.org/

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Windows8 quick boot- Problem or Solution?

Till now we are using various operating system and all were taking almost similar time or say much time for booting. Microsoft has launched Windows8 which is having incredibly less boot time. But the main question is that can we consider as a solution for older os booting time or it may create some problems due to quick boot..??

Here is the ans. Microsoft's fourthcoming Windows8 boots quickly so that user will miss those older familiar prompts. The ans. for above question is that many user thinks that he/she has a solution for older Operating Systems(which are still taking more time for booting) but it is not like that. Because boot time on Windows8 hardly sounds like a problem but it is. why...?????? read below for this  'why...??????'.

Chris Clark, a program manager in the Windows User Experience team, said "When you turn on a Windows 8 PC, there's no longer [enough time] to detect keystrokes like F2 or F8, much less time to read a message such as 'Press F2 for Setup',"

Let's take an example to have a brief knowledge about how much booting time does Windows8 requires.In an ultrabook strictly having solid-state-drive(SSD not 'HDD') with Windows8 pre-installed, Windows8 can boot in less than seven seconds. Considering ten seconds average for Windows8 booting in SSD is the main reason most ultrabooks today come with SSDs.

Chris Clark, a program manager in the Windows User Experience team, said "We have SSD-based UEFI systems where the 'F8 window' is always less than 200 milliseconds. No matter how fast your fingers are, there is no way to reliably catch a 200 millisecond event,".

Microsoft's solution, in short, kills the F8 key prompt -- or any other hard key prompts.Some useful statistics for Windows8 : 

  • A single menu for every boot option

The core vision behind the boot options menu is to create a single place for every option that affects the startup behavior of the Windows 8 PC.

  • Getting to the boot options menu (automatically) when there is a problem

There are two main situations where you’ll need to get to the boot options menu on a Windows 8 PC. The first case is when something has gone wrong and a repair action is necessary to restore the PC to full functionality. The second case is when nothing is wrong, but you want to change some aspect of startup behavior or firmware configuration, or boot from a different device than usual.

  • Getting to the boot options menu whenever you want (even when nothing is wrong)

The primary method of reaching the boot options is from Advanced startup on the General tab of PC settings. You can get to PC settings from the Settings charm, or by searching from the Start screen using specific search terms, such as boot, startup, safe mode, firmware, BIOS, or several others. On the General tab, you’ll see a short description of the options that will be available in the boot options menu, as well as a Restart now button.

#feel free to comment below

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Anonymous group attack Indian government over file-sharing ban

Anonymous Group has turned its attention to India, taking down the web sites of the Supreme Court, the country’s two major political parties and several government sites in retaliation for a court injunction which led to the blocking of several video sharing and bit torrent sites.

Anonymous tweeted saying that it was now India’s time to bring in a new government.“Namaste #India, your time has come to trash the current government and install a new one. Good luck. | #SaveTPB #Anonymous #Censorship”.

This was reportedly in response to the blocking of torrent site thepiratebay.com and vimeo.com.While the Supreme Court of India website came back online after a little while, the Congress website was still offline at the time of filing of this report.The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) website had also reportedly come under attack.

The group first signalled its intent to launch #OpIndia in a YouTube message posted over a week ago, which said the following:
We have come to the conclusion that the Indian government has failed. It is time that we all rise and stand against the corrupt government. The Department of Telecommunications has ordered Internet Service Providers to block file-sharing sites in India. We cannot let this happen.

In late March, Chennai-based Copyrightlabs won a restraining order that made Indian ISPs and phone firms stop their customers reaching sites that were illegally sharing copies of Bollywood films called 3 and Dhammu.

Some people can still access Vimeo and The Pirate Bay. It seems that the sites were initially blocked by Reliance, followed by Airtel. The users who faced the blocking got a message saying that this was due to a DOT regulation, but later the message said that it was because of a court order.
The UN is expected to discuss the proposal in the next 72 hours. The proposal would end "equal say" process for internet governance and push the civil society to the fringes.The proposed Committee for Internet Related Polices (CIRP) would be 50-member body funded by the UN. It would meet once a year and would have the power to oversee all internet standards bodies.

To knock out the sites, Anonymous bombarded them with data, a tactic known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.The tactic had only partial success as most of the sites targeted soon recovered and were only offline intermittently.

Anonymous Tweet: "We are not doing any permanent damage to the websites. We just want file sharing sites to be unblocked."

Monday, 21 May 2012

Human Rights organisation website Serves Gh0st RAT Trojan

  • According to the company’s Security Labs blog, Amnesty International’s United Kingdom website was compromised and hosting the potent Gh0st RAT Trojan earlier this week. Malicious Java code was planted on the site in a bid to push the Gh0st RAT Trojan onto vulnerable Windows machines. If successful, the attack plants malware onto machines that is capable of extracting the user's files, email, passwords and other sensitive personal information.
  • The vulnerability for the infection stemmed from a popular Java exploit, CVE-2012-050. Hackers exploited that hole and used it to inject the Amnesty International site’s script with malicious code. The Java hole was the same used by Flashback, the much buzzed-about Mac OS X Trojan in recent months.
  • The exploit code used in this attack appears to have been copied from Metasploit, an open source penetration testing framework popular among security professionals, Giuliani said.
  • The injected web code was removed after Websense alerted Amnesty to the issue.The attack bears all the hallmarks of a series of attacks that appear to be targeting pro-Tibet organisations and sympathisers, most likely by a group connected to China.
  • The Gh0st Trojan has been used by suspected Chinese hackers in several advanced persistent threat (APT) style attacks, most notably the ‘Nitro’ attacks against energy firms in 2011. Chinese involvement in the Amnesty International attack is suspected but unproven.
  • Websense detected over 100 other websites infected with the same malicious code as Amnesty International's U.K. website during the same time period, Carl Leonard, senior manager of Websense Security Labs, said.